Thai Massage

The traditional procedure is centuries old. Using her hands, elows, knees and feet, the masseuse applies pressure to numerous points along the body's meridians, or 'life-power lines', and manipulates the customer's body and limbs. The aim is to encourange an even and harmonious flow of physical energy.
Reduce Tension
techniques vary-people who like rigorous work outs will get exactly that in Bangkok, while morthern techniques are substantially gentler. Whichever one you go for, try not to fight the masseuse -stay loose so she can work properly. Thai massage is notfor everyone, but most people walk out far less tense than when they went in.
Study Centers
Traditional parlors are widespread in Thailand-Bangkok has hundreds, and Wat Pho is the city's massage Mecca, both for treatment and study. Massage prices differ everywhere, but US$10 per hour is about the limit. Good hotels provide massage services and can also recommend tracitional venues around the city.
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